Risk Management + Retirement Services

RMC Group began as a life insurance agency and actuarial consulting company in Chicago, Illinois, in 1974.
Since then, we have grown into an international conglomerate with offices throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and Nevis.
Our scope has expanded to all areas of risk management, insurance, and employee benefits.
Members of RMC Group include the original life insurance agency and actuarial consulting company, as well as a legal reserve life insurance company, a property and casualty insurance company, a property and casualty insurance agency, a captive insurance company manager, and a technology company.
Our mission is to be a world leader in risk management consulting. A business cannot be successful unless it has provided for the mitigation of both foreseeable and unanticipated risks. This includes protecting the business from risks ranging from property damage to emerging risks that might cause an interruption to normal business operations. It includes protecting the business from the death of key employees and providing for a succession plan. It includes developing a first class employee benefits program to attract and retain the best employees.
Whatever your clients may need, RMC Group will be there to help you become and remain your clients’ most trusted advisor.
Whatever your needs may be, RMC Group will be there to help you.
For more details, please read RMC Group’s corporate summary about each individual company here.